Contact: Lindsey Ross, Senior Press Secretary
STATEHOUSE (April 16, 2019) – A bill sponsored by State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) that would help improve student learning today passed the Senate unanimously.
House Enrolled Act 1627 would allow a school corporation that is a member of the Coalition of Continuous Improvement School Districts (CCISD) to replace its high school courses with those of equal or greater rigor and allow those courses to satisfy diploma requirements.
The CCISD is made up of seven Indiana school districts – representing small, large, rural and urban schools – that focus on ways to expand and maximize co-op, internship and other work-based learning opportunities for students.
“This coalition was created to improve the value of a high school diploma and provide students with more work-based skills and experiences,” Raatz said. “This legislation would ensure these schools have the opportunity to replace their current courses with those that would best improve student learning and prepare them for career success.”
The CCISD was created by House Enrolled Act 1398, which the Indiana General Assembly passed in 2018.
HEA 1627 will now move to the governor for consideration.
For a high-resolution photo of Sen. Raatz, click here.