Contact: Kyra Helming, Press Secretary
Walter Aleksic, Press Secretary Intern
STATEHOUSE (Feb. 2, 2022) — This week State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) met with a group of 4-H students during 4-H Day at the Statehouse.
4-H students from around the state came to the Statehouse to learn more about state government and their role in agriculture around Indiana. As chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Leising was able to share information about what the committee does and her unique perspective on agriculture related legislation.
"I am glad I got the opportunity to welcome these students to the Statehouse," Leising said. "They are the future of agriculture, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have on Indiana. The 4-H program is a great opportunity to empower students and give them real-life experiences to use in the future."
Leising presented Senate Resolution 12 during her speech and during the Senate legislative session. This resolution honors Indiana 4-H and recognizes Feb. 1, 2022 as Indiana 4-H Day at the Statehouse.
Students interested in learning more about Indiana 4-H or joining should visit
Click here for a high-resolution photo of Sen. Leising.