Contact: Kellyn Harrison, Press Secretary
STATEHOUSE (April 20, 2023) – A bill authored by State. Sen Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) that helps Indiana students obtain financial aid for higher education was signed into law by the governor today.
According to the Indiana College Readiness Report 2022, the state's college-going rate has gradually decreased from 65% to 53% since 2015. Additionally, the National College Attainment Network currently ranks Indiana 36th in the nation with approximately 39.9% of FAFSA applications received so far.
"Every year, the state and U.S. Department of Education give out billions of dollars in loans and grants to FAFSA applicants to help them afford college," Leising said. "$69 million was not claimed by Indiana students last year, which is why it is important for students to apply."
Senate Enrolled Act 167 requires all Indiana students, with exceptions, to submit the FAFSA during their senior year of high school to help them see what post-secondary education opportunities are available.
"I have been a strong advocate for this bill language for many years, so I am pleased to see the governor sign it into law," Leising said. "Even if students are unsure if higher education is their next step, I hope this law better helps them see what post-secondary education resources may be available to them."
SEA 167 does not require students to file if a parent signs a waiver claiming the student understands what the FAFSA is and declines to complete it or a principal/school counselor employed at the student's high school waives the requirement due to extenuating circumstances.
To learn more about the bill, visit
State Sen. Jean Leising (R-Oldenburg) represents Senate District 42, which includes Decatur, Fayette, Ripley and Rush counties, and portions of Franklin, Jennings and Shelby counties.
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