News Releases

Head serves on nationwide Suicide Prevention Infrastructure Advisory Panel

Contact: Lindsey Ross, Senior Press Secretary 

STATEHOUSE (March 27, 2019) – State Sen. Randy Head (R-Logansport) recently served on a nationwide advisory panel to help create recommendations on what states should include in their suicide prevention plans through the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC).

The panel suggested, among other things, that states include the following in their suicide prevention plans.

• Designate a lead division or organization for suicide prevention.

• Maintain a state suicide prevention plan that is updated every three to five years.

• Form a statewide coalition with representation from public and private sectors.

• Ensure at-risk and underserved populations are represented.

• Allocate resources and engage with partners.

The recommendations made by the panel will be included in the SPRC’s State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure Recommendations, which, once finalized, will be used to help state leaders assess the status of their current suicide prevention infrastructure to identify gaps and needed resources for change.

“I was pleased to be able to participate on this panel, as many states have significant limitations when it comes to infrastructure for suicide prevention,” Head said. “As a legislator, I’ve worked hard to study and address mental health issues and suicide in Indiana, and I believe these recommendations will give leaders across our country the information they need to help prevent these tragic, unnecessary deaths from occurring.”

The SPRC’s recommendations will also help state leaders identify and engage with important partners, support the development of action plans, and build a strong infrastructure to support and sustain suicide prevention efforts.

The SPRC is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and Center for Mental Health Services.


Click here for a high-resolution photo of Head.