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Prosecutors Recognize State Sen. Eric Koch


Contact: Kyra Helming, Press Secretary


Prosecutors Recognize State Sen. Eric Koch

STATEHOUSE (Jan. 10, 2022) — The Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council (IPAC) recently recognized State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) with a Legislative Excellence Award for 2021.

Koch was chosen for this award for his work on IPAC's 2021 priority legislation, House Enrolled Act 1082, the high tech crime units bill. This legislation creates a fund for the purpose of establishing 10 high tech crimes units that will serve different geographic areas of Indiana. The law enforcement officers and prosecutors that are a part of these units will partner with university students to examine electronic devices and process them for evidence of a crime.

"We can’t thank Senator Koch enough for the work he did on high tech crime units this past session,” said Ken Cotter, St. Joseph County Prosecutor, when presenting the award at IPAC's annual conference. “These units are going to do great things for the state of Indiana and for our communities.”

These units will examine the devices for evidence like GPS locations, texts, app usage, voicemails and phone calls. This law will help prosecuting attorneys across the state enhance their ability to investigate, collect evidence for, and prosecute crimes ranging from fraud to sexual exploitation of children.

"This legislation will help law enforcement more effectively prosecute crimes through use of digital evidence retrieved by these units," Koch said.

Sen. Koch, chairman of the Senate Committee on Utilities, serves Senate District 44, which includes all of parts of Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Lawrence and Monroe counties. He also serves on the Senate Committees on Commerce and Technology, Judiciary, Corrections and Criminal Law, Elections, and Family and Children Services. Koch can be reached via email at or by phone at 800-382-9467.


Click here for a high-resolution photo of Sen. Koch.