Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville) made the following statement today regarding the end of the Indiana General Assembly's regular legislative business:
STATEHOUSE (April 22, 2021) — "There’s no question that the hallmark of this legislative session is our unprecedented investment in K-12 education. Between the $1.9 billion in new money for K-12 in our budget and the $3 billion from the federal government, our schools are looking at $5 billion in new money.
"Our budget also eliminates more than $1 billion in taxpayer-funded debt and invests in Hoosiers from all walks of life. The investments we are making in this budget will leave our state's finances better than we found them. Rather than creating future obligations, we are creating flexibility for the state moving forward so that our state can continue to thrive and provide opportunities for all Hoosiers.
"In addition to the tremendous strides we made with our budget, our caucus priorities will provide liability protection to businesses, schools, churches, not-for-profit organizations and individuals for damages if someone is exposed to COVID-19 on their property or during an activity they organized; support schools that had to dramatically change their operations this year by fully funding students who are learning virtually due to the pandemic; codify telehealth expansions implemented during the pandemic to ensure that all Hoosiers have access to the health care they need regardless of where they live; and improve local government accountability by allowing anyone who is subject to a public emergency-related enforcement action under a local health department order to appeal their case to the relevant local legislative body.
"Senators from all over the state came to the Statehouse to do the work of the people, and we did so in a safe, civil and substantive way. I’m very proud of the work this body accomplished over the course of this legislative session, and I look forward to seeing the positive impacts of our work in the coming year and beyond.”
For a high-resolution photo of Sen. Bray, click here.