News Releases

RAATZ ROUNDUP: Helping students pay attention this school year

Helping students pay attention this school year

By State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond)

As schools across the state are coming back in session, it is important to make sure students are equipped to use their time in class as wisely as possible. Cellular devices can be distracting for anyone, especially students learning fundamental skills. That is why I authored Senate Enrolled Act 185 this year, which requires each Indiana school to implement a cellular device policy that limits their use during instructional time with some exceptions.

Teachers can still authorize students to use their devices for educational purposes as they see fit.

Students are also always permitted to use their devices if:

  • There is an emergency;
  • They require it for health care purposes;
  • They have an individualized education program that permits it;
  • They have an individualized plan to support students with disabilities that permits it.

Each school corporation and charter school are able to work out the specifics of this policy and are also free to allow students to use their devices during lunch, recess or other non-instructional time, if they so choose.

Constituents can reach out to me with any questions or concerns they may have by filling out a "Contact Me" form on the website or by phone at 800-382-9467.


State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) represents Senate District 27, which includes
Henry, Union and Wayne counties, and portions of Franklin County.
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