STATEHOUSE (Aug. 14, 2018) — State Sen. Jeff Raatz (R-Richmond) recently presented Douglas Gerber, Richmond cattle farmer and former president of the American Hereford Association (AHA), with a Distinguished Hoosier Award at the Indiana State Fair.
“Doug has been influential to the cattle industry by creating a transformational herd of the Hereford breed,” Raatz said. “He has always kept up with advancements and remained relevant in the industry. Doug has met with many influential people like former President Ronald Reagan and former Gov. Mitch Daniels, and it was an honor to present him with this award at the state fair where he first showed cattle in 1967.”
Gerber was the youngest serving president of the AHA, held many other positions during his cattle-farming career and remains a delegate of the AHA. Gerber was also named the 2017 Outstanding Cattleman of the Year by the Indiana Beef Cattle Association.
Gerber owns Gerber Land and Cattle, which is located in Richmond.
The Distinguished Hoosier Award is one of the highest honors given by the state of Indiana to its citizens. The award is granted at the discretion of the governor to outstanding residents for their accomplishments and contributions to their communities.
Contact: Lauren Beatty, Senior Press Secretary