More Information on Public Question 1 - 2024

More Information on Public Question 1 - 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Indiana's Constitution includes a list of officials who could temporarily become governor in the event the position is vacant due to death or other inability to serve. This list is called the line of succession.

This fall, voters will see Public Question #1 on the ballot, which asks Hoosiers to update the line of succession.

The Indiana Constitution currently lists seven officials in the line of succession:

  1. Lieutenant Governor
  2. Speaker of the House
  3. Senate President Pro Tempore
  4. State Treasurer
  5. State Auditor
  6. Secretary of State
  7. State Superintendent of Public Instruction

The language listing the State Superintendent in the line of succession is left over from the era when Indiana had an elected State Superintendent, but now the governor appoints the head of the Department of Education in the same way other heads of agencies and departments are appointed.

Since Indiana no longer elects a State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the position no longer exists, Public Question #1 proposes removing this office from the line of succession for the governor's office. This proposed amendment leaves the other six offices in the line of succession the same as they are today and ensures that every person serving in the emergency line of succession for governor is someone who has been publicly elected by Hoosiers.

This amendment unanimously passed the General Assembly with support from Republicans and Democrats. However, for this change to take effect, Indiana's constitutional amendment process requires the approval of Hoosier voters, which is why Public Question #1 proposes removing the Superintendent of Public Instruction from the line of succession for the governor's office.