News Releases

Messmer Report: Maintaining responsible taxpayer stewardship

Maintaining responsible taxpayer stewardship

By State Sen. Mark Messmer (R-Jasper)

Senate Republicans have worked diligently to maintain fiscal responsibility in Indiana's government for many years.

Indiana is known as one of the most fiscally responsible states across the nation. This year I supported Senate Enrolled Act 4 to help maintain this track record of good government.

This new law will allow the state to free up millions of unused state funds that can benefit Hoosier taxpayers by setting up a procedure for unused dollars sitting in dormant dedicated accounts to be reverted to the State General Fund. This law could free up $40 million this year alone.

By Oct. 1 in even-numbered years, the State Budget Agency will submit a list of dedicated funds that have not had any expenditures over the previous two years to the State Budget Committee and Legislative Council.

The budget committee may then make recommendations of potential legislative action to the Indiana General Assembly during a budget session.

Senate Enrolled Act 4 also includes legislation which requires state agencies to determine if a proposed rule will have implementation and compliance costs of at least $1 million to individuals, businesses or local governments over any two-year period.

If the $1 million threshold is met, then the rule will not be able to go into effect unless it is reviewed by the State Budget Committee. Exceptions will be made if the rule is considered an emergency, it is a provisional or interim rule to comply with a federal regulation, or is an interim rule incorporating a new or updated building, firefighting, equipment, safety or professional code.

This will help ensure agencies can't misuse authority to impose huge costs on Hoosiers.

The law was signed by the governor in March and went into effect upon his signature.

As always, constituents can reach out to me with any questions or concerns they may have by filling out a "Contact Me" form on the website or by phone at 800-382-9467.


State Sen. Mark Messmer (R-Jasper) represents Senate District 48, which
includes Crawford, Dubois, Gibson, Perry, Pike and Spencer counties.
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