News Releases

Statement from State Sen. Greg Walker

State Sen. Greg Walker (R-Columbus) made the following statement today following the conclusion of the 2022 special session of the Indiana General Assembly:

STATEHOUSE (Aug. 5, 2022) – The Indiana Senate today heard legislation to protect life, support pregnant and new mothers and their families, provide financial relief for Hoosiers and pay down state debt. This includes providing $87 million in support for new and expectant mothers and $1 billion in financial relief for Hoosiers.

“It is unfortunate that it took a Supreme Court decision to compel majority legislators to take steps supporting prenatal and postnatal care. I am at fault for this lost opportunity as well. We should prioritize health. We have a Constitutional responsibility by reason of misfortune, who 'have claims upon the sympathies and aid of society'. Indiana ranks poorly for infant mortality, and I intend to take seriously the responsibility to infants and mothers as we open the budget in 2023," Walker said. "Now is the time for us who care about babies, expectant mothers and new mothers to step up. Pro-life lip service won't cut it. With compassion and patience, we should be a resource to support them with acts of service. Be a trusted friend, teacher, counselor, extended family member in every capacity."

More information on these bills can be found here.

Archived video of all session and committee meetings can be found on

The bills will now move to Gov. Holcomb's desk for his consideration.


BACKGROUND: The Indiana General Assembly convened for a special session July 25 and completed their work on Aug. 5. For a detailed description of the legislation passed in the special session and additional background information, click here.

Click here for a high-resolution photo of Walker.