News Releases

Holdman: Senate Hosts Foster Parent Appreciation Day

STATEHOUSE (Feb. 12, 2018) – Senate leaders joined by Gov. Eric Holcomb and Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch today hosted Foster Parent Appreciation Day, said State Sen. Travis Holdman (R-Markle).

Foster families were recognized at the Statehouse for their service to the children of Indiana. One foster family from each Senate district was invited to the Statehouse as a representative of their community for lunch and a tour of the Statehouse. The group was also addressed and thanked for their service by Gov. Eric Holcomb, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne) and Senate Minority Leader Tim Lanane (D-Anderson).

“Welcoming a child into your home as a foster parent is a noble and valuable undertaking, and we are so grateful to the Hoosiers who take on this rewarding and challenging endeavor,” said Holdman, who organized the event. “The work these families do is inspiring, and my Senate colleagues and I felt it was important to invite them to the Statehouse so we could very clearly tell them how thankful we are for their service to the kids of Indiana.”

Nearly 40 foster parents attended the event. Holdman also recognized the families from the floor of the Senate Chamber with Senate Resolution 18, which honors foster families for their support in serving and caring for Indiana’s most vulnerable children.


Click here for a high-resolution photo of Holdman.